Rotarians aim to serve others through their work and to practice high ethical standards in all they do. We try to promote high standards in others, particularly the younger generation. Here are some examples:
Books4Home Literacy initiative: The Club has supplied a local academy secondary school with lots of books which students can take home to read and keep.
The Roy Pedley Award for Student Excellence:
This award, in memory of a popular and long-serving member, was established by his family and the Rotary Club in association with Dudley College to showcase the brightest and most talented fashion, design and textile students in the area. Roy had a long and distinguished career in the textiles industry. The award, to be made annually, is accompanied by a £550 cash prize.
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... And Some Other Vocational Activities:
- Club members conduct Mock Interviews and give Careers advice for Year 11 pupils in local secondary schools.
- Support Vocational Study Exchange visits of young workers to and from overseas countries.
- Support the Dudley Festival of Music, Drama and Dance, which attracts a large number of young participants every year.
- Within the Club we have informative speakers on social and political issues, and civic, business and professional affairs. We also arrange occasional 'works' visits (breweries being very popular!).